I have been getting a lot of requests for Fairy themed Art Parties at Figment Creative Labs lately. Actually, two weekends in a row I had on the calendar, ” Caroline 6 yrs, Fairy Art Party.” I thought I made a mistake and had to call the parents to double check. Guess what! Both weekends different little girls named Caroline were turning 6 yrs old and had scheduled Fairy Art Parties! So I thought I would share with you some of the magical fairy projects that we have done at Figment Creative.
Project #1 Fairy Wings
For both parties we painted fairy wings. Here is how we did it.
- I bought many little fairy wings from Dollar Tree for $1 each.
- I spray primed the wings only on the outer side. I always use flat white primer.
Preparation (This takes more spray primer than you would expect, since much of it goes through the porous nylon material. Wear a mask and lay the wings down on a protective covering.)
- I placed an extra layer of paper down on the table since the paint will seep through. You could also use trays. Each child started out by painting their primed wings with white tempera paint for the base.
- Continue to add color. We used tempera paint.
- Let Dry.
Project #2 Fairy Snow Globes -(Party #1)

Luckily I had the perfect amount of snow globes left over from our Christmas workshop for us to use for this project. This goes to show that it may be good to stock up on supplies during holiday seasons. (Says the craft hoarder.) I bought them from Dollar Tree for $1 each, but they also were selling snow globes at Hobby Lobby for a bit more around the Christmas holiday.
What you need:
- DIY snow globes
- plastic fairies (You can also find these at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s craft stores.)
- dual temp. hot glue gun and glue sticks
- plastic Play Doh lids for base
- distilled water
- glycerine
- glitter
What to do:
- I had each child pick one fairy and one plastic Play Doh lid.
- We hot glued the Play Doh lid down (wording up). Then hot glued the fairy.
- We added a large sprinkle of white or clear glitter to the bulb.
- We filled the bulb up with distilled water. (Do this over a sink.)
- Add a splash of vegetable glycerine oil.
- Secure lid tightly.
(I only have one photo to share, since Danielle and I had to assist with this project a great deal. The take home is beautiful, but it is more of a hands on project for us.)
Project 3 Fairy Doors -(Party #2)

What you need:
- Small wooden plaques – You can find these at Hobby Lobby in various shapes and sizes. I bought a variety (rectangle, clipped corner, oval) in 3″x5″ by Woodpile (4 pack for $2.99 at Hobby Lobby).
- Liquid water color paints and brush
- low temp hot glue gun and glue (use adult supervision when using glue guns)
- some type of button, gem, or rhinestone for door knob
- Sharpie Makers for further decoration
What to do:
- Each child picks which shape of door they want to paint.
- Use liquid water color to paint your door. Blot with paper towel if necessary to speed up drying time.
- Once dry add door knob and more detail with permanent markers.
- Enter a magical realm.
Project #4 Make a Fairy Land

I have a large box marked “Fairy Land” from when we created a fairy land at the Austin Botanical Gardens. Now, I realize that not everyone owns a large box filled with small world play fairy stuff, but if you can, you should. When I get this box out the kids go crazy and have so much fun setting up their fairy land.
I hope these fairy projects inspire you to have a fairy art party. They are quite magical. Please feel free to share more of your fairy party ideas in the comments. I am sure there will be more to come at Figment creative. But most likely not for six year old Carolines.