Process Art – Sand Art

Process Art, Sand Art, Wee Warhols, Austin Texas, art class, kids art activities

To me, art is all about the process.  If you end up with something cool in the end that you want to hang up and show off, even better, but it is in the making where kids really shine.  I give my six year old 100% credit for this art project.  I put some colored sand (from Dollar Tree) out on the table and asked, “What should we do with this?”  He said, “Lets draw with glue and then dip it in the sand.”  Great idea!  I assumed he meant glue sticks, but he corrected me.  Saying, ” Like we do with the traveling paint project with salt.”  He was referring to a cool project we discovered in the Artful Parent book called Salty Watercolors.

Process art, sand art, salty watercolors, Wee Warhols, traveling paint, Austin, TX
Example of our New Years Eve Traveling Salty Watercolors

Standing corrected, here is what you will need:

What to do:

  1. Draw with glue.
  2. Dip in colored sand to add color.
  3. Repeat a million times.

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As you can see they couldn’t do this enough times.  No, I’m probably not going to hang this art on the wall, but it was fun, and it kept them entertained for a long period of time.  They figured out different techniques that worked best and played really well together.

Process Art, Sand Art, Wee Warhols, Austin Texas, art class, kids art activities
Making Art

One of my favorite Process Art books is Bar Rucci’s Art Workshop For Children .  Check it out if you haven’t yet.  Have fun making art and enjoy the process!