At Wee Warhols we have been in full force holiday preparation mode… even when we don’t intend to be.
I had a Ladies Art Night at the house the other night. We made string art. So many creative ladies with such great ideas. If you haven’t heard, Wee Warhols offers BYOB Art Nights. We aren’t going to let the kids have ALL the fun. They are usually $25 a person, depending on the chosen project. You get a group together and we schedule a night. I discuss project ideas with the organizer and we make a plan. You show up with friends, wine, snacks… I provide the space, all the materials that you will need and some gentle guidance. It is really relaxing and fun. This time it is also nice to sit by the fire pit and catch up.
Back to the tree topper happy accident. I made a simple star using gold string on a slice of wood that I picked up at Hobby Lobby.

Well, I added a metal loop from Home Depot to the back and now we have a new tree topper!

Check out some of the other cool string art that was created that night: