Rubber Band Car DIY

I am super excited to present to and teach an engineering project at the Eane’s Elementary STEM day this month to 120 second graders.  I came up with the idea that I wanted to make rubber band powered cars with the kids.  I have this cool book Amazing Rubber Band Cars. […]

Wood Bending Bracelet Craft- Magic or Science?

My son is really into magic right now.  He is constantly trying out his tricks with me… I mean constantly.   So, I came up with a “trick” of my own.  I handed him a large craft stick and said,” Can you bend this without breaking it?”  He laughed, and […]

Exploring Light With Children- Shadow Puppets

I could lecture my students about light and shadow, how shadows are made, about silhouette and shape, teach them about the difference between translucent and opaque … but I believe that hands-on learning is the best way for a child to fully grasp a mysterious concept like light.  So we put […]