Want to make a Bumble Bee Lovie Easy Craft?

bee, buzz buzz, love, Wee Warhols, Austin, Art class


Tis the season and all of the Goodwills are “buzzing” with Halloween STUFF.  When I saw these yellow and black, (or is it black and yellow?) stockings I immediately thought BEE LOVIES!!  Although, I am sure they are meant for a “sexy bee”, whatever that means.

Here is what you need:

  • Sexy Bee stockings (yellow and black striped stockings)
  • “Fluff” 100% polyester fiber filling
  • Two large googly eyes
  • Three white pipe cleaners
  • Tacky Glue
  • Scissors

What to do:

  1. Cut the ends of the stockings off.  Leave extra, since you can always trim down.
  2. Fill your bee with filling.
  3. Tie off end.  Cut excess off.
  4. Twist two pipe cleaners together and make wings.  Attach with the third pipe cleaner.
  5. Glue google eyes on.

I should title this post- “It’s that easy?”  or maybe “CUTE!”

This project kinda reminds me of a great project by Purple Twig.  If you like this simple project, you will love her Metamorphosis !

bumble bees, buzz, Wee Warhols, Austin, Art class

bumble bees, buzz, Wee Warhols, Austin, Art class